Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What will the neighbors think!?

Since I hate to mow I thought I might as well add something to the yard to make it more interesting. The 90+ degree heat may be getting to me (adopting a new cat and now a trampoline in the yard). Actually the girls have been wanting a trampoline for a long time and even saved up their allowance and did a few extra chores to help pay for it. It arrived on Monday and only took 2.5 hours in 90 degree heat and 80% humidity to assemble.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gone swimming

The girls and I decided to try a new park that we had heard about. We were excited because we had heard that there was a waterfall and a place to swim in the pond and do some creeking. We were surprised to find such a wonderful place in columbus. We had a great time. Next time we plan on taking dad.

New Haircut

Emily decided to get a new look for the upcoming school year. I was certainly afraid that she was going to hate it, but thankfully she loves it!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Meowth to Feed

Yesterday we saved a cat from the Capital Area Humane Society so that he can enjoy the rest of his life getting squirted with water bottles, sprayed by SSSCat , lovingly called "Cat!", chased and prodded by visiting children and fighting for his place with Elliot (our other "mostly" lovable feline). Ever place a piece of tape on the back paw of a cat? The girls tell me that is why the cat(s) don't like me, but it is fun to watch :)

Anyway, the new member of the family is named Spencer and we hope he and Elliot can become friends (otherwise I spent $70 to hear screeching and hissing all hours of the day and night). So far they have done pretty well. Both cats are pretty mellow so they are just slowly checking each other out and getting acquainted.

Here are a couple of photos of Spencer: He is about 3 years old and front de-clawed.
(hope that green pupil thing isn't contageous)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Fun!!

This summer has been busy and very fun. The girls were saying this is the best summer they have ever had. Some of the highlights for us have been going to Cedar Point with our best friends, trying out a drive-in movie, our pool party,berry picking in Urbana with friends and our fourth of July party. We have enjoyed spending alot of time with all our friends this summer. Here are a few pictures from our adventures.

Cedar Point

4th of July

Berry Picking

Swim Party/Sleepover