Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick or treat

Last night was trick or treat. The girls wanted to find matching costumes like ketchup and mustard but they settled for Greek Goddesses. They had a blast collecting treats and as always it is never enough candy. They run for 2 hours to see if they can get more than the year before. They achieved their goal and accumulated 5 large bowls of candy. I think Brian enjoys it more than the girls.

Monday, October 19, 2009

another horseback video

This is Sarah during her Flat class that she won first place in.

Horseback Show

This was Sarah's first Hb competition of the year. This was her first time competing in jumping over crossrails. Her first day she was very nervous for jumping but our goal was to finish the course without falling or being disqualified. Our goal was met. That afternoon she placed fourth in the flat class. The next day she placed fourth in jumping and got first place on the flat. The weird part was the lottery draw. The girls draw randomly for which horse they will ride. Sarah got the same horse for jumping( his name was bud) and the same horse for the flat( her name was Star). This is unheard of when you are picking from so many horses. She did great!

more fall pictures

Fall Fun

This past Friday the girls were off of school so we decided to try a new farm for some fall fun. This farm had a giant bouncing pillow and a zip line. Even though it was very cold the girls had a great time. Brian even tried the Zipline. We decided not to buy pumpkins there since they cost 10-30$ depending on the size. This year Emily and Sarah are dressing up as greek goddesses. Here are pictures of our fall fun day and I will post Halloween pictures soon.

Sarah's Middle School Band

Last Month Sarah had the opportunity to play with the high school marching band. The high school invites the middle school band members over to play with them at one football game. I think this is a way for the high school to encourage students to stick with the band. She also played with the band at a middle school football game. She likes band but is a bit frustrated with the music. Because we transferred into the district from private school, she did not get an audition to determine which level of band she would be in. The director just puts these kids in the middle level. She is first chair but still bored. After her fall concert which is this wednesday, we will be talking with the director about getting some harder music for her.