Monday, October 27, 2008

Belpre Horseback Show

Today, Sarah and I woke up at 5 am to travel down to Belpre, Ohio for a horseshow. As most of her shows go, we waited until around 2:30 in the afternoon for her to ride. This time she drew a wonderful horse named shifty. He behaved beautifully. After all the riders in her class performed the requirements the girls were asked to line up facing away from the judge so she could see the number on their back. There were 9 riders lined up. The announcer calls Sarah's number and asks her to walk forward. This has never happened before. We didn't know what to think. Sarah thought she was disqualified for some reason. Next the announcer requested all riders to Sarah's left start walking along the fence rail with Sarah. Suddenly all 9 riders started to go. These poor girls were so nervous they couldn't tell their right from their left. The coaches were yelling for them to stop and halt. It was quite amusing. The judge wanted to watch smaller groups so she could better assess their skills. I loved this idea. Anyway, when it was all said and done Sarah got a second place out of nine riders. Yeah!!!
We had a rather exciting day. One of her temamates (who seems to have a ton of bad luck) was going to jump over 2 foot fences. This girl had a great horse and they both looked great on the practice fences, but when she started over the first fence in competition the horse stutter stepped and she leaned to the left and couldn't recover. The stir-up on her left broke free as it is supposed to do and she fell. She landed very hard on the ground and hit the back of her head pretty hard. She wanted to re-ride because she thought it was an equipment malfunction but the judge said no. She was upset but it was for the better considering she hit her head. Thankfully there were 2 physicians to check on her. About an hour later she started to feel weird and lethargic so a squad was called to pick her up. We haven't heard the what the findings were.
Here are some videos from the show.

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