Tuesday, March 17, 2009


About 10 days ago, Sarah and I traveled to croton ohio for her regional horse competition. The day was very difficult. Sarah had been chosen to represent her team as the team rider in her class. This is a big honor and she had been preparing for 2 weeks. When we got to the show her coach informed us that she decide to pull Sarah from the team rider spot and give it to someone else. The reasoning she gave was inconsistent with Sarah's performance but what can you do. We were hoping that the coach would look at the objective results of this years standings and not get input from others on the team. Opinions are never accurate. Sarah has more points than anyone in her class. I felt that this decision to switch riders on the day of competition was unfair to both riders. Anyway, the entire team didn't perform well and the judge was rather harsh. At the end of the day, Sarah did not qualify as an individual rider for the next event, The Zone. Only 3 girls from our team of 40 qualified. The high school and middle school teams both qualified for The Zone. The Zone will be held on April 4-5 in Albion Michigan. Sarah has been selected as team rider to go to this show. We are hoping it is because of her skill and not because of the other girl declining to go.
When this season is over we will need to make a decision as to whether or not we will be continuing with horseback riding. Sarah loves horses so this will be difficult for her.
We have decided to sign her up for 4H. I hope this is not a mistake. This year she is doing a food project and possibly going to the fair. Next year, we might lease a horse and show him at the fair.
Emily has finished upwards basketball and enjoyed it. We are now signing her up for art lessons at a studio.
We are all quite busy right now. I am working 4 days a week to cover a maternity leave. Brian is still working hard and is very busy at work. We are all looking forward to this summer.

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